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Project Description Description
Deshbandhu is a newspaper with a 60 years standing, but it is much more than that. We take pride in defining Deshbandhu as ‘Patr Nahin Mitr’ meaning ‘Not only a journal but a friend too’. Deshbandhu was launched in April 1959 from Raipur, now capital of Chhattisgarh, by veteran journalist the late Mayaram Surjan. It has traversed a long journey since then. In its golden jubilee year in 2008, Deshbandhu started its National Edition from New Delhi, thus, becoming the first newspaper in central India to achieve this feet. Today Deshbandhu is published from 8 Centres namely Raipur, Bilaspur, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Sagar, Satna and New Delhi.
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